
V8 includes a test framework that allows you to test the engine. The framework lets you run both our own test suites that are included with the source code and others, such as the Test262 test suite.

Running the V8 tests #

Using gm, you can simply append .check to any build target to have tests run for it, e.g.

gm x64.release.check
gm x64.optdebug.check # recommended: reasonably fast, with DCHECKs.
gm ia32.check
gm release.check
gm check # builds and tests all default platforms

gm automatically builds any required targets before running the tests. You can also limit the tests to be run:

gm x64.release test262
gm x64.debug mjsunit/regress/regress-123

If you have already built V8, you can run the tests manually:

tools/run-tests.py --outdir=out/ia32.release

Again, you can specify which tests to run:

tools/run-tests.py --outdir=ia32.release cctest/test-heap/SymbolTable/* mjsunit/delete-in-eval

Run the script with --help to find out about its other options.

Running more tests #

The default set of tests to be run does not include all available tests. You can specify additional test suites on the command line of either gm or run-tests.py:

Running microbenchmarks #

Under test/js-perf-test we have microbenchmarks to track feature performance. There is a special runner for these: tools/run_perf.py. Run them like:

tools/run_perf.py --arch x64 --binary-override-path out/x64.release/d8 test/js-perf-test/JSTests.json

If you don’t want to run all the JSTests, you can provide a filter argument:

tools/run_perf.py --arch x64 --binary-override-path out/x64.release/d8 --filter JSTests/TypedArrays test/js-perf-test/JSTests.json

Updating the inspector test expectations #

After updating your test, you might need to regenerate the expectations file for it. You can achieve this by running:

tools/run-tests.py --regenerate-expected-files --outdir=ia32.release inspector/debugger/set-instrumentation-breakpoint

This can also be useful if you want to find out how the output of your test changed. First regenerate the expected file using the command above, then check the diff with:

git diff

Updating the bytecode expectations (rebaselining) #

Sometimes the bytecode expectations may change resulting in cctest failures. To update the golden files, build test/cctest/generate-bytecode-expectations by running:

gm x64.release generate-bytecode-expectations

…and then updating the default set of inputs by passing the --rebaseline flag to the generated binary:

out/x64.release/generate-bytecode-expectations --rebaseline

The updated goldens are now available in test/cctest/interpreter/bytecode_expectations/.

Adding a new bytecode expectations test #

  1. Add a new test case to cctest/interpreter/test-bytecode-generator.cc and specify a golden file with the same test name.

  2. Build generate-bytecode-expectations:

    gm x64.release generate-bytecode-expectations
  3. Run

    out/x64.release/generate-bytecode-expectations --raw-js testcase.js --output=test/cctest/interpreter/bytecode-expectations/testname.golden

    where testcase.js contains the JavaScript test case that was added to test-bytecode-generator.cc and testname is the name of the test defined in test-bytecode-generator.cc.